There’s also a scrapbooking feature, which I played with a bit but don’t really see myself using much. You can make a quick note, draw a window to open a new program like the calculator without getting out of the app you’re in. When you remove the S-Pen from the phone, there’s a popup menu of features for the stylus called Air Command. Why would you want to be constantly smudging up your screen with your fingers when you could be using a stylus? That alone should win people over, but the S-Pen does more than simply replace your filthy little finger - it adds features. Many people commented on the stylus and how they didn’t see the point. (If I may digress for a moment, dress pants are the best pants.) If you’re a proponent of skinny jeans, your results may vary. I had no trouble fitting it into the front pocket of any of the pants I own.
They expressed concern about how they wouldn’t know how to carry it, or whether or not it would fit in their pockets. Mostly it was people telling me how huge it is. I know this, because in the three weeks I spent with the Note 3, I got a lot of comments on it. Not everyone wants a stylus on their phone. That was a point of contention for some people I’ve spoken to about the Note 3, but I personally don’t mind having to use two hands, or better yet using the S-Pen stylus. I have large hands, and without actually doing the geometry on it, I would say I can comfortably reach about 75% of the total screen area with my thumb one-handed 80% if I stretch. Trying to navigate the phone one-handed is a challenge. It doesn’t feel compromised or small, and while I certainly won’t start using it to replace my television with any regularity, it’s a much better option than my S3 when my wife is watching something on the TV. The Note 3’s display is big enough that watching video on it is not a ridiculous proposition. If someone made a nine-inch tablet that reliably made and received phone calls without workarounds like Google Voice, I’d be on board. I am firmly in the camp of believing bigger phones are better phones and wouldn’t turn down an even larger option if it were available. Not everyone wants such a large device, but the phablet market has grown enough to prove that many people do. It dwarfs my Galaxy S3 and makes holding an iPhone feel like you’re playing with a child’s toy. The screen measures 5.7 inches, and at a resolution of 1920 x 1080, it’s beautiful. Someone come up with a better word.) Today I have to send it back, and it’s breaking my heart. Three weeks ago, Samsung sent me a review unit of their giant Galaxy Note 3 “phablet” (Please.